Author. Mentor. Entrepreneur. Business developer. Networker. Human.

Learn from my latest book 

I co-authored a chapter in the Cracking the rich code v5 book together with the first Shark Tank star and business mentor Kevin Harrington, legendary coach and speaker Jim Britt and some other great minds. In the book I present and explain my proprietary method of The Success Balanced Flywheel and how to implement it into any activity and goal planning so you will attract the success, network and fulfillment. 

Book was endorsed even by Tony Robbins - World's #1 life and business strategist & coach, best selling author, who said: "Success is predictable if you know what determines it. This book offers some valuable entrepreneurial insights that will strengthen your life, your business and your effectiveness overall."

Cracking the Rich Code is available on Amazon and in many other bookstores.

Do you want to publish your book? Join my mentored program to become a bestselling author!

 Why me? My experience: 

1. i invested the last 10 years and over 100k of € into studying, exploring and testing ideas worldwide, authoring and co-authoring of several market-changing concepts and books.

2. My 30 years long lasting entrepreneurship career is ranging from USA to Kosovo, I built a million € business as well as faced and survived a bankruptcy and heart attack… been there, done that, seen it all.

3. Always seeking value – keeping it stupid simple, practical and result oriented, always improving and removing waste (kaizen – lean)

 Because for me, only 
  your results count

My Career

1992 started studying marketing, communications and PR

1999 after selling the company spent some time working in USA, also as journalist and writer

2003 founded a marketing agency that later merged with a media company

2013 started independent consulting and advising career working with media, print, trade, networking and investment

2016 became BNI member

2018 cooperating with several international clients and business networks, launching office in Zagreb, Croatia

2019 started working on a new concept of sales book - the buyers factory studying alsosubscription / service (xaas) based sales models

2019 developing a model to unite online and offline strategies into an effective combination for optimum operation and marketing results uniting this knowledge in "The buyers factory book".

2020 became certified fix this next advisor and expanded his consulting business by founding the MAG Academy for interactive learning which brings result oriented interactive online education and work-plans

1994 switched to marketing and Economics

2001 worked in media (radio, tv) remaining freelance writer and reporter2001 worked in media (radio, tv) remaining freelance writer and reporter

2008 founded a media company that emerged to own print house

2010 studying at multimedia academy and institute obtaining a BA in multimedia

2015 started studying relations between ux, value and price / monetization that later evolved into the "snowball XVM theory" that increases monetization to any business

2016 exploring the optimization, business process management and steps to efficiency

2019 joining Banqis in development of a new business network model and accelerator

2019 started an online MBA education program and six sigma certification with lean / kaizen additional modules

2020 founded a new concept of b2b marketing and sales promotion solutions provider - TBF (The buyers factory) and established the entrepreneurial flywheel concept, founded the b2c fulfillment and growth program Ommni.

2020 co-authored a book with Jim Brit and Kevin Harrington, started development of RURs book and program that brings entrepreneurs and business a new approach to operations in the "new normal" post COVID market

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